Enlisted Promotions
Question: Is there a minimum point requirement to be recommended for promotion?
Answer: There is not a minimum point requirement. At a minimum, SPC/CPL/SGTs must have a current passing APFT. Also, SGT’s are required to be graduates of the Warrior Leader Course (WLC). As of 1 January 2014, E4/SPC/CPL must complete Structured Self Development level 1 (SSD 1).
Question: I have items that should count for promotion points that aren’t reflected on my personnel/training records, what should I do?
Answer: Contact your unit S-1 for eMILPO and your unit training NCO for ATRRS updates. Ensure you take your source documents. Your promotion score is based on the data collected and stored in the personnel and training databases. Therefore, it’s imperative that you keep your eMILPO and ATRRS information current. It’s the only way that promotion points will be added to your PPW.
Question: How can I view my PPW?
Answer: Steps to access your PPW: Soldiers (Private (E1) – Sergeant (E5)) can log into the PPW from the AKO website: https://www.us.army.mil/ . Under the Army Links, click on Enlisted Promotions, on the next screen under the Application Links, click on PPW then check the box and click the Submit button. On the Notifications Page, click the Continue button to get to the PPW Login screen, click CAC Login or type in your AKO username and password, then click submit.
Adding/Updating Promotion Points
Question: What is the last day for updates to the PPW for promotion selection?
Answer: The PPW must reflect all updates by the 8th of the month to be considered for the next month’s promotion selection. Updates to the ERB through eMILPO take 24-48 hours to populate to the PPW.
Question: How are promotion points updated in EDAS?
Answer: An automated calculation of promotion scores is based on a Soldier’s personnel and training data maintained in both the Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) and the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). ATRRS transmits training data to eMILPO (this action can take up to 12 days IAW MILPER Message12-189), eMILPO transmits promotion data to the PPW and the PPW transmits the promotion points to EDAS. These actions occur after the Soldier is integrated onto the HQDA promotion recommended list (PRL). Promotion points change as data entries are added or subtracted within eMILPO.
REMINDER: It will take 24-48 hrs for data to transmit from eMILPO to the PPW and up to 12 days from ATRRS to eMILPO. Consideration for promotion is based on the promotion points that are reflected on the PPW as of the 8th day of the month.
Question: If a Soldier is prior service other than active Army (ie. Marines), how are military courses converted to receive points on the PPW?
Answer: All items must be added by the BDE/BN S1 or MPD into eMILPO.
Military courses must be listed in ATRRS or AR 350-1 in order to receive promotion points. A Soldier must present a source document for addition to the ERB. Use of a DD Form 214, as a source document is authorized for prior service Soldiers. Items not annotated on a DD Form 214 must have a specific source document (i.e. Honor Graduate must have DA Form 1059).
Question: Will Soldiers still be able to request exceptions to policy (ETP) to be promoted with documents dated prior to 1 June 2011 that were not previously submitted, processed or input into eMILPO or the DA Form 3355?
Answer: ETPs are no longer authorized effective 1 June 2011. IAW MILPER Message 11-233, Administrative Records Corrections (ARC) replaced the previous ETP process. All actions dated prior to 1 June 2011 will be processed as an ARC.
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)/Profiles
Question: I am promotable, my last APFT date in eMILPO is 4 October 2013 with a score of 270. I took another APFT on 1 April 2014 and achieved a lower score of 240. Can my APFT from October 2013 remain in eMILPO since it is still current to continue receiving higher promotion points on my PPW?
Answer: No, the most recent APFT must be in eMILPO regardless of the score or promotion points received.
Question: Can pregnant Soldiers receive promotion points for an APFT that is over one year old?
Answer: Yes, The Company Commander must sign a memorandum explaining that the Soldier is pregnant or has a post partum profile. The APFT score must be updated through eMILPO by the BN HR or MPD prior to the current APFT expiration date. The new effective date is the date on the memorandum signed by the Company Commander. The Soldier must maintain a copy of the memorandum with their APFT card.
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Question: Do courses completed on the skillport website count as correspondence courses?
Answer: Yes, courses completed on the skillport website can be used for correspondence courses and receive promotion points. The skillport website does not replace the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) website. Skillport is an additional website to complete correspondence courses.
Question: Are Army Correspondence Courses still eligible for promotion points?
Answer: Yes, IAW MILPER Message 12-189, Soldiers can earn promotion points for completed correspondence courses listed in ATRRS.
Question: What is the maximum number of promotion points a Soldier can earn for ACCP?
Answer: As of 5 December 2011, the maximum promotion points allowed for ACCP is 78 points for promotion to SGT and 84 points for promotion to SSG. For every 5 credit hours earned 1 promotion point is awarded.
See MILPER Message 11-306 for additional guidance.
Question: How long does it take for correspondence courses to update from ATRRS to the PPW?
Answer: It can take up to 12 days from the date of course completion for promotion points to populate onto the PPW. See MILPER Message 12-189 for additional guidance.
Awards/Certificates of Achievement (COA)
Question: Will Soldiers with multiple Driver and Mechanic Badges be able to get points for more than one?
Answer: Yes, Soldiers can receive 10 points each for one of the following badges:
1. Driver & Mechanic Badge
2. Driver and Mechanic Badge With Mechanic
3. Driver and Mechanic Badge With Operator
4. Driver and Mechanic With Driver – Wheeled Vehicles
5. Driver and Mechanic Badge With Driver – Amphibious
6. Driver and Mechanic Badge With Driver – Motorcycles
7. Driver and Mechanic Badge With Driver -Tracked Vehicles
Question: Do the Drill SGT, Recruiter, Parachute, and Air Assault badges receive promotion points?
Answer: Yes, points are awarded for the above badges under the award section.
Civilian Education/Certifications
Question: What do I do if my defense language proficiency test (DLPT) appears on my ERB and NOT on my PPW?
Answer: BN HR/MPD personnel will verify page 9 of the PE screen in EDAS. If the language data area is updated with the language code, the BN HR/MPD must contact the PAS Chief or Installation eMILPO office and submit a trouble ticket.
Question: Where do I go to see if my technical certification is worth promotion points?
Answer: You can access the TRADOC approved technical certification by MOS spreadsheet on the HRC Promotion Branch website at https://www.hrc.army.mil/TAGD/Technical%20Certification%20Matrixes or the COOL Website at https://www.cool.army.mil/ for further assistance.
Question: Do Soldiers receive promotion points for Continuing Education Units (CEU)?
Answer: CEU is not authorized for promotion points.
Question: Can Soldiers get promotion points for multiple languages?
Answer: No, only one language receives a maximum of 10 promotion points.
Question: Are Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) courses worth promotion points?
Answer: FEMA courses are not authorized promotion points.
Question: While deployed can I receive combat promotion points?
Answer: No, Soldiers are not credited combat promotion points until they are redeployed and the Combat tour is reflected in Section I OS/Deployment Combat Duty of the ERB with a code of “C”.
Question: I have combat deployments while from another service (Air Force, Marines, etc.). Can these deployments count for promotion points?
Answer: Yes, if the Soldier brings in a DD Form 214 which reflects a combat deployment while they were a member of another service, the ability to include those months in the deployment counter on the ERB does exist.
Question: I have 12 months and 7 days of deployment time, do I get credit for 12 months or 13 months for combat promotion points?
New Answer: You will receive combat promotion points for 12 months. Seven days of deployment time does not constitute a deployment month. You must have at least 15 days or more to receive credit for a complete month. Deployment months for promotion points will be determined by the number of months placed on your ERB in section I – Assignment Information – OS/Deployment Combat Duty.
Military Education
Question: How can I find out if a resident course is worth promotion points?
Answer: A list is published on the HRC website and S1 Net.
‘Resident Military Training Promotion Point Yes/No Status’
HRC website – https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/assets/pdf/Mil_Ed_Yes_No.pdf
milSuite – https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-52677
Question: I am preparing to compete for SSG at the next promotion board. The PPW system will not grant me 80 points for completion of WLC, Why not?
Answer: WLC is a requirement for attendance to the SSG promotion board and not worth promotion points.