If you have read my previous posts, you know that you can get paid to complete SSD1 in the Army Reserves. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to properly fill out the DA Form 1380, to get paid. This post will show you step by step how to fill it out correctly.
Open a copy of DA Form 1380
You can find DA Form 1380 at armypubs.army.mil. This form is also called a “Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training”.
1: Date
Enter the date that the form is being filled out. Example: 20140921.
2: From
The “From” section will be filled in with your address at your unit.
Unit Administrator 415 Chemical Brigade 814 Perimeter Rd. Greenville, SC. 296053: Retirement Year Ending Date
Enter the year, month, and day that your retirement year accounting ends. For example, if you first signed a contract for the Army on May 1, 2009; your retirement year ends on April 30 every year. Since you are filling this out in September of 2014; you would enter 20150430 in block 3. If you were Active Duty before you were Reserves, block 3 will be the day before you signed your Delayed Entry Program (DEP) contract.
If you do not know the date that your retirement year ends, you can look for it on the Army Reserve Portal. Log in with your AKO username and password. Click on the link for your Retirement Point Detail. That page should show your retirement year ending date.
4: To
The “To” field is where you are sending it. In the case of completing SSD1, you will be sending it to HRC.
Department of the Army U.S. Army Human Resources Command 1600 Spearhead Div AveFort Knox, Kentucky 40122
5: Last Name – First Name – Middle Initial
This is self-explanatory. Example: Doe, John, R.
6: Grade
Example: E4
7: Branch
Enter “USAR”.
8: Individuals Assigned Organization
This is going to be your unit. Example: 123 BSB 4/1 AD.
9: The Above Named Reservist Performed
When filling out DA Form 1380 for SSD1 payment, you will want to mark the box labeled other. Fill in the blank with Electronic Based Distance Learning (EBDL). The cite authorization is AR 140-185. This is the regulation that discusses retirement points.
a: Date
Fill in the date that you worked on the training. Since the course is 80 hours in length, there will be multiple days of training. Each line is for a different date. You do not need to use the exact dates. You just need to make sure that the dates you enter are not dates that you were at drill, AT, or any other paid status. You will want to divide the training into 10 different days.
b: Hours
The SSD1 course is actually considered an 80 hour course. However, for the purposes of this form, you will only fill out a total of 40 hours. Put a “4” in column b for each of your 10 days.
c: Retirement Points
All you need to put in this block for completing SSD1 is “P1”. P1 is the accounting class for this kind of retirement point.
d: Nature of Duties, Training, or Instruction
This block will need to be filled in as “Structured Self Development Level 1”.
10: Typed Name, Grade, and Position of Officer Having Knowledge of Duties Performed
This is self-explanatory. However, I would let the person signing this form fill in their own information.
11: Signature of Officer
An NCO or officer can sign the DA Form 1380 for you. Typically, your S1 would sign it when you turn it into them with your SSD1 certificate of completion.